Wednesday, July 28, 2010

07.26.2010 // 3:26p

original: Unlisted. I don't need you fools calling my sister at work.

Google says:
Yay. Pizzas that's morning show just missed your call, so would love to catch up. Call me at my work phone at 2122. It's 66966. Alright, see you bye.

actual: Hey, Peeps. Uh, it's Monisha. Um, just missed your call so would love to catch up. Call me at my work phone, uh, ***-***-****. Alright, see ya, bye.


Tuesday, July 20, 2010

07.19.2010 // 7:32p

Google says: Dad, Yo Yo what's up man.

actual: Yo dawg. Yo dawg, what's up. Um...

doesn't Google know?:
Ain't yr daddy, son.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

07.17.2010 // 6:45p

Google says: It's early, but bread, so if you can. Bye.

actual: It's Phill, call me back. Hope you're good, talk to you soon. Bye.

doesn't Google know?: It is never too early for bread.

07.17.2010 // 1:57a

Google says: Hey, it's Lauren.

actual: Hey, it's Lori. I don't have service in my apartment. Bye.

mystery guests: Lauren

missing guests: entire sentences

Friday, July 16, 2010

07.16.2010 // 12:08p


Google says: Hey Chancellor and. We have about the parasite book. I hope you can use it but he can't think of our bye. Hello.

actual: Hey Pia, it's Lori. I wanna hear more about the parasite book. I hope you finish it by next weekend so I can borrow it. Bye.

I am the Chancellor.

not-so-mystery guests: Google's favorite unspoken hello

fyi: Lori is not borrowing the book.