Tuesday, October 26, 2010

drowning in silence

google started doing this thing where it would only send me transcripts and never let me check actual voicemail. i never cared about my voicemail until i could not check it (and google's transcripts always made it sound like everything mundane was an emergency). so i am done. the experiment is over.

i am back to not checking my verizon voicemail.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

07.26.2010 // 3:26p

original: Unlisted. I don't need you fools calling my sister at work.

Google says:
Yay. Pizzas that's morning show just missed your call, so would love to catch up. Call me at my work phone at 2122. It's 66966. Alright, see you bye.

actual: Hey, Peeps. Uh, it's Monisha. Um, just missed your call so would love to catch up. Call me at my work phone, uh, ***-***-****. Alright, see ya, bye.

highlights: http://www.flickr.com/photos/pollita/1376194885/

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

07.19.2010 // 7:32p

Google says: Dad, Yo Yo what's up man.

actual: Yo dawg. Yo dawg, what's up. Um...

doesn't Google know?:
Ain't yr daddy, son.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

07.17.2010 // 6:45p

Google says: It's early, but bread, so if you can. Bye.

actual: It's Phill, call me back. Hope you're good, talk to you soon. Bye.

doesn't Google know?: It is never too early for bread.

07.17.2010 // 1:57a

Google says: Hey, it's Lauren.

actual: Hey, it's Lori. I don't have service in my apartment. Bye.

mystery guests: Lauren

missing guests: entire sentences

Friday, July 16, 2010

07.16.2010 // 12:08p


Google says: Hey Chancellor and. We have about the parasite book. I hope you can use it but he can't think of our bye. Hello.

actual: Hey Pia, it's Lori. I wanna hear more about the parasite book. I hope you finish it by next weekend so I can borrow it. Bye.

I am the Chancellor.

not-so-mystery guests: Google's favorite unspoken hello

fyi: Lori is not borrowing the book.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

06.24.2010 // 6:47p //// 06.26.2010 // 3:22p (the king daddy post)

original (06.24):
Google says: Yo committee files, we may Sarah and Mike and Tom and whoever wants to stop by. I'm going to passing on to get to work in on the book so if you're just gonna stop by, or give a call. Okay bye.

actual (06.24): Yo, uh, it's Timothy. Uh, we - me, Sarah, and Micah, and Thom and whoever wants to stop by are going to Tattooed Moms to get to working on the, uh, book. So, uh, if you're interested, stop by or give a call. Okay, bye.

original (06.26):

Yo, Pia. It's Dad, It's me. I just wanna letters you're doing so we don't over overlap. Okay bye.

actual (06.26): Yo, Pia. It's Timothy. I just wanna know what letters you're doing so we don't over overlap. Okay, bye.

mystery guests: committee files; my father

assuredly present: